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Leprechaun 2 (1994)


The Leprechaun is back, but this time he’s after a bride. Things hit the fan when the would-be bride’s boyfriend, Cody, decides he’s going to stop the Leprechaun’s evil plans.

The Good

The would-be bride is chosen by the Leprechaun because her ancestor was his slave. There’s something about her sneezing three times that makes her the Leprechaun’s bride, but I really don’t know if that has any basis in Irish mythology or is just a lame plot device utilized by the writers. From a character standpoint, it’s interesting to think that someone like the Leprechaun would want a bride and he even mentions children. Could some of his evil nature be due to loneliness?

Judging by the use of other little people actors in this movie, I can’t help but wonder if there’s some subtext behind the plot. One of the little people even says at one point that the Leprechaun is one of them, and so they cheer him on during the drinking contest. Perhaps the makers of this movie were trying to show us the outsider status little people sometime experience in society because of their height, and the Leprechaun’s desire for a regular size bride represents a yearning to fit in with the rest of society. Of course, I could be reading way too much into a movie that features a wise cracking Leprechaun killing people.

Speaking of wise cracking, the same humor found in the first movie is alive and well in this sequel. The Leprechaun has lots of amusing one-liners again. The scene where the Leprechaun gets drunk is funny and his recovery is just as entertaining. If you liked the humor from the first movie, then you’ll probably enjoy this movie to a certain extent.

The gore in this movie is good. I would even say that some of the death scenes in this movie are much better done than in the first Leprechaun. The waiter’s death by steam is particularly gruesome. As well, Morty, Cody’s legal guardian, has a death that is pretty disgusting as he has the Leprechaun’s entire pot of gold put his stomach only to have it cut out of him by the Leprechaun himself. Morty’s death isn’t nearly as gory as it could have been, but the director, Rodman Flender, presents the scene well enough to convey its gruesomeness.

The Bad

How did the Leprechaun survive the first movie? Some sort of explanation would have made me like this movie a whole lot more. The first movie actually gets no mention at all. Are we supposed to assume that there are two different Leprechauns who look and sound alike? Continuity issues like this just bug the hell out of me.

Speaking of continuity, why did they change the rules for hurting the Leprechaun? In the first movie, the Leprechaun’s one major weakness was four leaf clovers. I know there aren’t many four leaf clovers in Los Angeles, but it seems like the writers got lazy and just changed things up so there would be less headaches for them. Why does iron all of sudden hurt the Leprechaun? At least a four leaf clover has a connection to leprechauns, but how does iron? Again, may be there’s something in mythology about this, but I just don’t get it.

Then there’s the nonsense about the Leprechaun being unable to harm Cody because he has one of his pieces of gold. This wasn’t the case in the first movie. It seems like the writers changed the rules just so they could have an easier time killing off the Leprechaun at the end of the movie.

As you might have guessed, the plot is one of the weak points of this movie. Another example of the weak plot is that we are never told how the Leprechaun got to Los Angeles. I think the tree that Leprechaun lived in was gift to Harry Houdini, but why did he stay in the tree for so long if he could enter and leave freely? May be he was tracking his slave’s descendants, and just waiting the shadows for the right time to emerge. If this true though, how does the first movie fit into it then? The man who stole his gold in the first movie, Daniel O'Grady, found it while in Ireland. So did the Leprechaun have his tree moved to Los Angeles while he stayed in Ireland where he had his fateful encounter with O’Grady? I don’t know the answer to this question, but thinking about it is making my head hurt.

How bad is the plot when that’s all I’ve written about so far in this section? The lead actress, Shevonne Durkin, who plays the Leprechaun’s bride-to-be, is terrible. The scenes between her and the Leprechaun should have been classic, but instead they just seem awkward. Durkin sounds almost like she’s bored as she delivers her lines, and she’s definitely a step below Jennifer Aniston, who starred in the original Leprechaun.

Final Thoughts

If you liked the first movie, you might find something to enjoy in Leprechaun 2. If you didn’t like the first movie, you’re going to hate this movie even more. Overall, I would only recommend Leprechaun 2 to hardcore fans of the series.
