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Flight of the Living Dead (2007)


Hilarity ensues when a zombie plague is unleashed on a plane full of unsuspecting passengers. To make things even more entertaining, we have a character that is clearly based on Tiger Woods fighting off zombies with his putter at one point during the movie.

The Good

The best thing I can say about this movie is that it is a lot of fun to watch. Any true zombie fan is going to find something in this movie to enjoy. This movie has it all: wacky characters, a love story, cool looking zombies and good gore. A timeless question is also answered by this movie. I mean what zombie fan hasn’t wondered what would be cooler than a zombie nun. This movie delivers the answer in the form of a legless zombie nun.

The characters we see in this movie are interesting. Just about every major character in this film has something going on. The golfer is trying to please his wife with a vacation free from golf. The pilot is doing his last flight before retiring. Some of the passengers are involved in a risky love triangle, or would it be a rectangle? Then there’s the scientists, who know what is happening the moment the zombie escapes from stasis.

One of the cool things about the plot is that the original zombie doesn’t start out as a zombie. She was just testing a new drug that was supposed to keep her organs going after death, so when she wakes up she is disoriented, but not a threat. However, the armed guard doesn’t realize this and shoots her, turning her into a zombie once she “dies.” I thought this approach was original and a nice twist to the overused ‘zombie escapes and goes on a rampage’ plot device we see in so many zombie movies.

None of the acting stands out in my mind as being great, but there are also no weak performances here either. David Chisum as Truman and Kevin J. O'Connor as Frank are particularly entertaining because of their cop and prisoner dynamic. Both portray endearing characters that I found myself rooting for as the movie progressed.

The Bad

I know that this was a low budget movie, but the plane looks very fake. It was obviously computer animated, and I cringed every time it was on the screen. Although the makeup and gore effects were good for the most part, there were some moments when they weren’t so good. The flaming zombie near the end of the movie is particularly pathetic looking.

My biggest problem with Flight of the Living Dead though was the physics in the movie. I couldn’t help but get extremely annoyed every time someone shot a gun on the plane. In real life most bullets, especially ones from a machine gun, would keep going after hitting the zombie and puncture the hull of the plane. Once that would happen, the plane would more than likely end up crashing. In real life most guns are useless on a plane because you run the risk of puncturing the hull the first time you fire a shot. However, it speaks volumes about how fun this movie is when I can say I got over this problem and still enjoyed the movie immensely.

I just have to say one last thing about the crazy physics in this movie before I wrap this review up though. How do the zombies survive at the end? They fell hundreds, if not thousands, of feet and seem to be in good shape afterwards. When a normal person falls that distance they leave nothing behind but a mush made up of bones, organs and blood. Why do you think people who are unlucky enough to meet such a fate are referred to as street pizza? Again, I have to admit that the crazy physics of this movie annoyed me.

Final Thoughts

I would recommend this movie to any zombie fan out there. I bought my copy for seven dollars and I feel that I more than got my money’s worth. As long as you don’t get too hung up the crazy physics of this movie, you should enjoy it.
