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The Rating System of the Dead

5 Bubs

This is the highest rating a movie can get on here. A movie that gets 5 Bubs is a fantastic horror movie. Keep in mind though, that 5 Bubs doesn’t mean the movie is perfect. 5 Bubs just means that the movie is one of the best of its genre and should be seen by anyone who considers themselves a horror movie fan.

4 Bubs

Movies that get 4 Bubs are still great, but they just aren’t on the same level as a movie that gets 5 Bubs. Keep in mind that a movie that I think is 4 Bubs might rank as a 5 Bubs movie to someone else, or vice versa. Basically, all 5 or 4 Bubs movies are great, but the different ratings are just a way to differentiate between levels of greatness.

3 Bubs

These movies aren’t great, but could be classified as good or above average. A movie that gets 3 Bubs is worth seeing, but probably won’t be in the same league as a movie that gets 5 or 4 Bubs.

2 Bubs

These movies are average at best. A movie that gets only 2 Bubs is probably not crappy enough to be offensive, but at the same time you’re not missing anything if you don’t ever watch it.

1 Bub

A movie that gets only 1 Bub is basically a piece of crap looking for a place to stink up. Movies this bad should be avoided and not even watched on Halloween when you’re drunk and dressed up like a stormtrooper.

Uwe Boll's

Any movie that is an insult to the genre of horror movies, I'll end up rating with Uwe's. My best advice would be to buy these movies when you see them just so they don't end up being watched by anyone who doesn't know how bad they are. Trust me, you're saving a life everytime you hide one of these movies away from the unsuspecting public...