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Ten Step Theory Linking all the Leprechaun Movies Together

After watching the last Leprechaun movie, I couldn’t help but think of a way to tie all the movies together. Overall, the Leprechaun franchise gave us some quality B-movies and only delivered one truly terrible film. And even the one that is really bad, Leprechaun 4: In Space, has its share of fans. I don’t think the same can be said of the other horror movie franchises, but I don’t want to get into too much detail about them because I do plan on reviewing them all some day… So without further delay, here is my ten step theory linking all the Leprechaun movies together!

10. There seems to be no general order of the movies, and most Leprechaun fans just say that it is a different Leprechaun in each movie. Well, I’m going to take a bold step and say that it is the same Leprechaun in each and every movie… well, sort of…

9. The first movie in my version of the continuity is Leprechaun 4: In Space. I know it takes place in the future, but at the end of that movie the Leprechaun is blown apart and his pieces are left to float away in space. I’m going to throw out a crazy theory here and say that the Leprechaun’s remains encountered numerous anomalies in space, causing the various pieces to be teleported not only to earth but to different times. For those of you who think this is a lame idea, I have only one counterargument: Star Trek uses space anomalies all the time, so why can’t I?

8. As the pictures show, the Leprechaun was blown into a million pieces, so my theory of the space anomalies would cover any future Leprechaun movies as well.

7. Now the thing to consider here is that in Leprechaun 4 the Leprechaun is always referred to as an alien. I would go as far as to say that he was an alien and that by being sent back in time by the space anomaly, he became the very first leprechaun, changing the timeline we encountered in Leprechaun 4. I know that creates a paradox, but who cares? Just watch the last episode of Star Trek: Voyager and you’ll realize that paradoxes aren’t a problem.

6. The thing is that the Leprechaun’s race is called Leprechauns, but since they were an unknown race in Leprechaun 4, the characters just referred to him as an alien. Once he’s back in time though, the word Leprechaun becomes more and more common.

5. In Leprechaun Back 2 the Hood, we’re shown a story that tells of many Leprechauns and that the one we see is the “the one,” who couldn’t stop protecting the king’s gold. My thinking is that a lot of the Leprechaun’s pieces from part 4 landed in the time period with the king, who used magic to resurrect/control them. I would have to say that the Leprechaun from Back 2 the Hood is the oldest one we’ve ever seen as the intro looks to take place in the Middle Ages.

4. The Leprechaun in the second movie is also hundreds of years old, and I’m going to say that he is the second eldest one we see in the films. He has different weaknesses than the one in Back 2 the Hood, but I would explain all the Leprechaun different weaknesses and powers as being related to the different pieces of him that regenerated in various times. In other words, all of the weaknesses the Leprechaun has in the different movies are a result of the original Leprechaun from part 4 being blown up and regenerating as separate beings with each being have a different weakness. From what we see in part 4, the Leprechaun has no obvious weakness. He even gets blown up earlier in the movie, but regenerates himself completely later in the movie. Once he’s forced to regenerate into different Leprechauns, he develops varying weaknesses that weren’t present when he was whole.

3. The Leprechaun in part 4 didn’t seem to use his magic much. I would say that that was because he was so powerful, that he felt it a waste to use it on mere humans. As he is blown up into millions of pieces, his magic becomes diluted among his fragments. In other words, every piece of the blown up Leprechaun from part 4 still contains varying degrees of magic, which explains why the Leprechaun has different powers in each movie.

2. The above would also explain why the Leprechaun’s treasure is different in each movie. All of the treasures we see in the movies belonged to the Leprechaun from part 4 except for the Leprechaun in Back 2 the Hood. He got most of his treasure from the medieval king we’re told about in the intro.

1. So my theory explains how every Leprechaun we see the movies is different, but also part of the same being. For a chronological order of the movies, I would say it’s this:

Leprechaun 4: In Space (Remember the Paradox!!!)
Leprechaun 2
Leprechaun 3
Leprechaun in the Hood
Leprechaun Back 2 the Hood

Keep in mind that the Leprechaun from Back 2 the Hood might be the oldest one we’ve encountered so far, but we didn’t see him until the last movie. God knows what he was up to before his time in the hood. As well, if my theory is true, that would mean that the Leprechaun from the first hood movie is still out there making rap records and running a seedy bar, presumably in a different hood than the one in Back 2 the Hood.